At the main menu, press X, Left, Right(3), Black, Right, White, Right, Left, Right, X. Then, hold White while selecting the "New Game" option.
# All units
At the main menu, press X, Black(3), Left(3), White, Right, White, X.
# All recon units
At the main menu, press X, Black(2), White(2), Right, Left, White, Black , X.
# Complete current mission in mission mode
At the main menu, press X, Left(3), Black(3), Right, White, X. Then, press White and end your turn.
# Extra ammunition in mission mode
At the main menu, press X, Black, White, Left, Right, Black, White, Right, Left , X.
# Extra endurance in mission mode
At the main menu, press X, White, Black, Right, Left, White, Black, Left, Right , X.
# All units visible on the map in mission mode
At the main menu, press X, Left, Right, Left, Right, Black(2), White(2), X. All units will appear when the next mission is started.
# Doug's map in free play mode
At the main menu, press X, White, Right(3), Black, Right(4), X.
# Robert's map in free play mode
At the main menu, press X, White, Right(3), Black, Right(3), Left, X.
# All maps in free play mode
At the main menu, press X, White(3), Black(3), Left, Right, Left , X.
# Complete current map in free play mode
At the main menu, press X, Left, Right(3), Left, Black, White, X. Then, press White and end your turn.
# Extra ammunition in free play mode
At the main menu, press X, Left(2), White(2), Black, White, Left, Right, Black, White, Right, Left, X.
# Extra endurance in free play mode
At the main menu, press X, White(2), Left(2), White, Black, Right, Left, White, Black, Left, Right , X.
# Extra money in free play mode
At the main menu, press X, Black(3), Left, White, Right, White, Black, White, X. Then, click the Right Analog-stick at the "Army Status" screen to get an additional $5,000.
# Reload unit in free play mode
At the main menu, press X, Left(2), Right(2), Left, Right, White, Black, Left, X. Then, highlight a unit's name at the "Unit List" screen and click the Right Analog-stick.