Successfully complete the game to unlock First Person Shooter mode. In this mode, you get infinite weapon ammunition. Additionally, you will be given a firearm when you start most levels.
# Bonus items
Successfully complete the indicated mission to unlock the corresponding item:
Mission 1: Silver brass knuckles, Gold fist blade
Mission 2: Silver bullet proof vest, Gold flak jacket
Mission 3: Gold taser 5 shots
Mission 4: Holster
Mission 5: Rubber soles
# Entitlements
Successfully complete one of the following tasks to unlock a PlayStation 3 Entitlement reward:
Single Player mode
Anger Management: Complete 10 emotional responses.
Beat Cop: Complete a mission.
Big-Game Hunter: Take out 10 enemies with the antler.
Final Word: Complete first environmental finishing move.
GOOOAAAALLLL!: Take out 5 enemies with the fooseball piece.
Sleuth: Get a Perfect score in a Forensic Event.
Self Medicated: Need to heal yourself for 1000 points of health.
Decisive Restraint: Don’t Kill a Single Museum Guard.
EPA (Environmental Pwnage Area): Successfully execute 25 environmental finishing moves.
Bloodshot: Complete missions 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 to unlock each new Fight Club.
Flambe: Take out 10 enemies with the flask/taser fire attack.
Investigator: Complete Mission (dev challenge mode).
The Plumber: Take out 50 enemies with the pipe.
Can You Hear Me Now?: All oro speakers destroyed.
Chain Gang: Successfully execute each attack chain 5 times.
Detective: Complete Mission (fps mode).
Master Investigator: Earn the maximum amount of investigator points for all forensic sequences.
Trooper: Complete All Missions (any difficulty).
Tune In Tokyo: Collect all TVs in each Mission.
Chief Investigator: Complete All Missions (dev challenge mode).
Detective / First Grade: Complete All Missions (fps mode).
Gold-Plated: Get the gold badge for every mission in any difficulty level.
Multiplayer mode
Brick Wall: Complete 5 Successful Blocks.
Just The Facts: Crime Scene: Collect the Evidence 10 Times.
Punch-Drunk: Kill 10 Players with fists only.
Sidekick: Assist in scanning evidence in Crime-Scene Mode.
Ala Mode: Play 5 games in all MP modes.
Collector: Successfully collect the evidence (as SCU) 5 times in Crime Scene mode.
Defender: Successfully defend the evidence (as Infected) 10 times in Crime Scene mode.
Magellin: Play each MP map 5 times.
Rush Champ: Bum Rush: Eliminate the SCU 5 Times.
Bum King: Survive Bum Rush match without firing a single shot as SCU 5 times.
Cut-Throat: Perform 25 finishing moves.
Restraint (Not): Win as SCU without firing a shot 10 times.
Survivor King: Bum Rush: Survivor (SCU) 5 Times.
MP Overachiever: Win a DM match (with at least 15 kills) without dying.
Serial Killer: Kill 1000 players in MP.
SKX: Kill 9 unique players with the Serial Killer reward.