Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding achievement. To view your achievements and stats in Steam, select "Community", "My profile", "View all my games", then the game and view stats.
Archeologist: Successfully complete Teotl.
Archeologist Supreme: Successfully complete the game.
Beginners Luck: Successfully complete Pehua.
Bowling For Mummies: Kill 1,500 mummies.
Brushing Of The Dust: Successfully complete Hueca.
Circus Clown: Stand on the Ball and roll with it for 40 meters.
Enlightenment: Successfully complete Oztoc.
Explorer: Find half of all secrets.
Exterminator: Kill 999 bugs.
Hammer Time: Hit the Ball 5,000 times.
Long Distance Bowler: Roll the Ball a distance of 100 km.
Master Explorer: Find all secrets.
Monkey Trouble: Kill 35 Monkeys.
Road Warrior: Drive over 50 enemies.
Roll With The Punches: Crush 15 enemies in one push.
Shotput: Hammer the Ball 40 meters into the air.
Survival Of The Fittest: Survive all survival levels.