By crouching or lying prone, a mirage-like camouflage coats the soldier. It won't fool enemies up close, but at range it tricks the senses just enough to avoid raising an alarm. There's no way to abuse the camo, because approaching the enemy will kick off a firefight. Rather, the camouflage's power comes from setting up shop behind cover and prepping an assault. If the entire squad is obscured from view, each soldier can take up a tactical position before launching into one of the useful actions in their repertoire.
The military squad can execute a Synch Shot by marking enemies on the map with various tech. This means each of the four team members get assigned a target, and on the cue of the lead player, everyone shoots at the same time to take out the group silently. Time slows to a crawl, allowing each character to pull the trigger, and four bodies drop to the ground (if you don't miss). An additional quick shot can take out an added fifth enemy if one stands in range, but the opportunity isn't always present. An aerial drone leads the charge when it comes to covert intelligence. While an enemy soldier can shoot it down when spotted, from a distance it allows for quick marking. Flying the device feels smooth and it even gets the ability to roll across the ground like an RC Car if one is so inclined. Move the device too far from your location and it starts losing connectivity in a static flicker, and if an enemy spots it they can shoot the device down. The downside to marking far-off targets comes from the difficulty of synchronizing all four soldiers to shoot at once. The drone may just lead the charge in seeing when enemies lie in wait rather than setting up a direct action against them.
X-ray mode offers an alternative to surveying the environment. It operates much like Batman's detective mode in Arkham City. Any enemy within a short range pops up with illumination, but there's a key flaw in using X-Ray too much. While enemy outlines show up, X-Ray mode will not reveal any obstacles between you and your target. Thus, while it's easy to maneuver silently through Future Soldier with the X-Ray filter, walls, cars, and rubble will block the way. While useful in the right conditions, X-Ray mode feels like a crutch -- a problem Batman shared.
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