Title: Dogfight 1942
Genre: Action
Developer: City Interactive
Publisher: City Interactive
Release Date: 22 Sep 2012
Languages: English*, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Polish
About The Game:
Players assume the role of one of four pilots taking on the Axis
alliance during four different air campaigns, including the intense
Battle of Britain,
the war in Africa, the Eastern Front and the Pacific
island-hopping campaign. With more than 20 types of aircraft from both
sides of the conflict — from the fabled P-38 Lightning and Britain’s
Spitfire to the feared Messerschmitt 109 and Japanese Kate — players
take on the same missions as WWII pilots, ranging from bombing runs and
dog fights to manning defensive positions such as a gunner on a bomber
or anti-aircraft site.
Dogfight 1942 Features:
Explosive arcade action alongside advanced physics and painstaking
recreation of actual events and aircraft creates an experience that’s
easily accessible but hard to master
All aircraft are based on authentic models and all combat missions are representative of actual WWII engagements
Fun, dynamic battles offer a wide variety of action and most importantly
targets to destroy – any given battle will combine dogfighting, escort
missions and ground assault
Dogfight Mode – Fly against a friend in head-to-head aerial combat, to determine who is the top Ace.
Survival Mode – Fly with your wingman battling countless waves of enemies.
Campaign Co-op Mode – Fly with your wingman through various Co-op campaign missions fighting the Axis Alliance.