Dead Rising 2: Off The Record is, indefensibly, the fourth game in the last year or so to contain the words 'Dead Rising 2'. Admittedly, two of those titles – Case West and Case Zero – were decent downloadable expansions, which took the game to new locales. Off The Record, however, is being pitched as a 'reinterpretation' of the sequel. The action takes place in Fortune City – an iniquitous den of gambling and excess – and it's here that the franchise's original protagonist, Frank West, is seeking a redemption of sorts. In an opening montage, we are given a taste of what it was like for the photojournalist following his heroic exploits at the Wilamette shopping mall. He experienced a meteoric rise to fame, but after a scandal his television show was abruptly canceled and "things got dark" for Frank.
A mysterious outbreak in Fortune City, and the suggestion of a larger conspiracy, piques Frank's dormant journalistic impulses; he sees the terrible event as a way to reignite his fading career. When compared to the altruistic endeavours of Chuck Greene, the game's original protagonist, Frank's motivations for braving the undead horde appear shallow and self-serving. Download links
Dead Rising 2 Off The Record Update 1 - SKIDROW