Go to the Second Floor and stand behind the large statue of Gregory The Smarmy. As Harry, look up and target the candlestick. You may need to stand back to do this -- be careful if it is at nighttime, as the Prefect may see you. Use Carpe Retractum on the candle, and on your left a secret room with a chest will open.
Shortcut to the fourth floor in Gryffindor Tower
Go to Gryffindor tower and play as Ron.
Search the bookshelves. One will open to a room. Go through the door and down the steps, then go to the right. Go down the staircase and open up a wall. It will lead you to the fourth floor.
Searching bookshelves
Play as Ron. When you see a bookshelf, walk up and press A. Ron will search it and will appear with a Bertie Bot, Dungbomb, Wiggenweild Potion, or find a secret passage.
Spying around Hogwarts
Once you get the Expecto Patronum spell, for a short amount of time you can go anywhere without being detected. All you have to do is cast the spell and just move the spell around as if you were trying to hit a Dementor, but instead of searching for a Dementor, you can use this spell to spy around corners and around open areas. This is a very useful for when you have to escape Hogwarts grounds at night and there are Security Trolls as well as Prefects. Note: You cannot use this spell to kill Doxys, Red Caps, or any other monster; it only works on Dementors.
Items in the trunks
In the Boys' Dormitory, have Harry as the active character. Look at the trunks. Find the trunk that has an "H.P." on it. Only Harry can open it. Inside has a Wizard Card. Switch to Ron as the active character. Find the trunk with "R.W." on it. Inside is yet another Wizard Card. The same goes for Hermione in the Girls' Dormitory, except her trunk is marked "H.G.", and inside is a piece from the Folio Bruti.