You can score easy goals by crossing from the side and pressing B for a bicycle kick/header (90% success rate). Additionally, swap sides and sabotage your opponent's line up. Take off the king-pins, put center backs up front, etc. Then, resume control of your original team again and continue playing. Also, to easily fake the goalie out on the opposite team, press Black. The goalie will dive to a ball that is not there. Then, make a left or a right and press Y. Do not press B or the ball will go in an unwanted place.
Easy goal from penalty
To score an easy goal from a penalty, just tap B with no direction pressed. You will usually always score.
Free kick
In order to get a good free kick, you must stop the meter at the green spot and the ball must curve to fool the keeper. There is no need to bend the ball, because it bends itself. If you bend it, you will miss the goal. The meter must stop near the green spot. Just aim the ball by the side of keeper slightly to the right of your screen. There is no need to bend the ball and take the free kick. Try this in practice mode. Additionally, to score a free kick, put the target in the top corner of the side of the goal that the wall is standing in front of. Make sure that you do not press Spin and that the spin target is in the dead center of the ball. Put a fair amount of power in, but do not go near there. Also, make sure the accuracy is in the middle of the green. The ball will shoot over the wall and into the top corner.
Restore physical stats
Save the game after a career mode game. Quit, then reload the saved game to increase the physicals stats of your players.
Be Celtic or Rangers in career mode
When you first try to start a career in Region 1, you will notice that you cannot be Celtic or Rangers. However, if you select "Back" then go in again several times, Celtic and Rangers will appear at the selection screen.
Good volley
Press White, then B to chip then volley the ball in a unique way.
Good skill
To do good skill, press White and move the Right Analog-stick in any direction. You can do nutmegs.
Strong team
To play with a great team on career mode, first choose your favorite team on the beginning screen. Then, go to the player creation screen. Create the players that you want or need. At the team options screen, send them to your team, then go to career mode. In the screen that appears before the game (squad and formation screen), make the necessary substitutions. This is an easy way to play on professional or world class level, and give your players all the needed stats.
This trick works well in career mode, but is extremely time consuming. Create yourself, and up to two other fielders. Place yourself on any team that has a rating of half a star or one star (for example, Chattertown in Football League 2). After doing this, release the best players on that team, keeping only enough players to have 18. Create a perfect goalie to keep on your roster. Next, create about fifteen goalies that are perfect, and make sure to set their year of birth to 1960. By doing this, they are all 44 years old and will retire at the end of the season. After doing all this, choose the team that you put the players on as "Your Team". By doing this, when you go into career mode they will be the first team in the list. Select that team then go ahead and start career mode. When you start, go directly to the transfer market. Once there, trade away as many of the old perfect goalies that you have. You will get about 32,000 to 35,000 for each goalie in transfer points. This will leave you with about 250,000 to 300,000 transfer points at the end. You can take that money and buy the best players so that your team will be stacked from the start of career mode. The only snag is that besides the perfect goalie you created for yourself to keep, you will have to keep two of the old goalies. This is acceptable, because when they retire you will get scouted players that are extremely good.
Skip music/EA Trax
Click the Right Analog-stick to skip the current playing song. This can be done in every screen that is playing the EA Trax, except during loading from and saving to the memory card.
Team selection in career mode
If you cannot find your team in a region in career mode, choose that team as your "Own Team" in your profile in My FIFA 2005. You will then find that team listed first in its current region.
Changing teams in category
When you start a new season and cannot find the team, go back then enter that category again. The teams will change.