Have a saved game file from Dragon Age: Origins to unlock the Blood Dragon armor.
Sir Isaac's armor
Create an EA account, then link it with your PSN ID. Play Dead Space 2, and log into your EA account. Exit, then play Dragon Age 2. Look in the special delivery chest at your house to find Sir Isaac's armor.
Infinite money and experience
Successfully complete any side quest that does not activate a cutscene when receiving your reward (for example,
the "South-Song" Gerralt's Corpse side quest or any "Find And Deliver" side quest), then save the game. Draw your weapon, and approach the NPC. While your character is putting away their weapon to talk to the NPC, rapidly press X to get unlimited money and EXP. You can keep doing this until you move your character. Repeat this as many times as desired. Note: This glitch was done on an unpatched version of the game.
Infinite money
Put your most expensive item in the "Junk" menu under the inventory menu. Go to any store, and select the "Sell" option. Select that item from the "Junk" menu to sell it, and then immediately and quickly press Triangle, X. Try to press Triangle and X almost simultaneously, but press Triangle just before X. This may require practice. It also works best if you do not have any other items in your "Junk" other than the item you are going to sell. Your item should be sold twice. Then, go to "Buy", buy the item back from the "Junk" menu, and then sell it again. Repeat this as many times as desired. Note: Make sure you do not leave the store after you have sold items, as they will not appear in the store again. This glitch was done on an unpatched version of the game.
Duplicating items
You must have two of the same item for this glitch to work. Place the items to be duplicated in the "Junk" menu under the inventory menu. Go to any store, and select the "Sell" option. Sell at least one of the items. The vendor must have at least one of the items listed in his "Junk" menu for this to work. Then, quickly press Triangle, X to sell them the remaining item in your "Junk" menu. Try to press Triangle and X almost simultaneously, but press Triangle just before X. This may require practice. It also works best if you do not have any other items in your "Junk" other than the item you are going to sell. This essentially duplicates the sold item, creating a third out of your existing two. You can use this duplication glitch to work with larger quantities of items, doubling the overall amount of items sold. Repeat this as many times as desired. Note: This glitch was done on an unpatched version of the game.
Easy attributes and skills
Acquire at least two of each of the Potion Of The Mortal Vessel, Potion Of Arcane Technique, and Potion Of Physical Technique. Then, use the "Duplicating items" glitch to duplicate the potions to easily boost your character's attributes and skills.
Infinite ability points
Obtain as many "Makers Sigh" potions as possible. Then, assign all your available abilities to your tactics menu. Next, use a "Makers Sigh" potion, then save the game. Load your saved game file, and go into the ability menu. The abilities you assigned to your tactics will be unlocked, but you will still have all your unassigned ability points. Assign your points to other abilities, put them in your tactics menu, then repeat the process again. Repeat this as many times as desired. Note: This glitch also allows you to unlock certain abilities in classes without having to go through the entire skill tree.
Note: This glitch requires access to "The Black Emporium" downloadable content and money available to purchase the "Makers Sigh" potion that resets all ability points and attributes. Hawke comes preloaded with preset skills he will always retain; thus, when you use the "Makers Sigh" potion, save, and reload the saved game file, Hawke's abilities will be filled again. Do the following to get unlimited ability points. Use the "Makers Sigh" potion, then save the game. Load your saved game file, and you will now have the amount of ability points that were taken away and Hawke's abilities will be set back to the default levels. For a Rogue, it will be approximately four to five points in the Dual Wield tree. Use another "Makers Sigh" potion, and repeat the process as many times as desired.
Infinite armor points
This glitch can be done at any point in the game with Hawke and Aveline. Simply equip, un-equip, and then re-equip a shield. Your armor number/percent will continue to increase. Repeat this as many times as desired. Note: This glitch was done on an unpatched version of the game.
Infinite rival points
Successfully complete Sebastian's "Repentance" companion quest. Then, go back to the chantry. Do not talk with Sebastian; instead talk to the Grand Cleric. Keep selecting the "You're useless" dialog option to get +5 rivalry for Sebastian each time. Repeat this as many times as desired. Note: This glitch was done on an unpatched version of the game.
Easy maximum stats
To get unlimited attribute points, you must be in Act 3 and have the ability to craft the Rune of Valiance. Get any two different pieces of equipment with at least one rune slot. Craft a Rune of Valiance onto both, making sure the amount of attributes added to each item is different. Equip both items. Remove the one that adds the most attributes first, then remove the other. Not all the attributes from the rune will be removed, and it will be permanently added to your character. Keep equipping both items and removing both items to continue getting attribute points until they max out all stats at 100.
Recommended party configuration
It is best to plan your party from the start. While planning character roles, remember "One to take it, one to deal, one to weaken, one to heal." You should have a damager, tank, entropist, and healer. This will ensure you have one member taking all the damage and bringing the attention away from the rest of the party. Have an entropist (probably Merrill) to weaken and demoralize the enemy, a healer to strengthen and maintain the party, and a damager to inflict the pain. This will ensure a well rounded party that covers all aspects of combat.