Press L + R + Black to view development scenes. Note: Conker can be controlled during some of the scenes.
# Potty Mouth mode
Successfully complete story mode to unlock the "Potty Mouth" option, which allows all the censored language to be heard.
# Xbox Live bonuses
Achieve the following goals in Xbox Live to unlock the corresponding upgrade:
All six class medals: "Only veterans can handle this kind of language"All six specialist medals: IR Enhance, Booster Plus, Quicker Tank Breech, Improved Hogster
1,000 VC Points: Hacking Device, Speed Chipped
1,000 kills in the Long Ranger class: Steadier Aim, Nimbler Reload
1,000 kills in the Sky Jockey class: Quicker Targeting, Quicker Breech
1,000 kills in the Demolisher class: Increased Strayfur Clip, Guided Rocket Boost
1,000 kills in the Thermophile class: Recharger Boost, Thermo Weapons
1,000 kills in the Sneeker class: Snoopa, Improved Cloaking
1,000 kills in the Grunt class: Clip Extension, Self-Heal Overcharge
50 total kills: Avatar Pack II
500 total kills: Avatar Pack III
1,000 total kills: Avatar Pack IV
1,500 total kills: Flame Fire
500 mobile unit kills: Bonus Avatar Pack
2,000 healing points in the Specialist class: Enhanced Healing Speed
500 backstabs in the Specialist class: Instant Detonate: Snoopa
500 mine kills in the Specialist class: +1 Mine per loadout
500 fire damage kills in the Specialist class: Sinurator Tank Capacity Increased
500 Headshots in the Specialist class: Overcharge Power Boost
1,500 repair points in the Specialist class: Kinetic Seal, Increased Repair Efficiency
500 Marshals assassinated: +1 Primary Grenade Slot
500 Generals assassinated: +1 Secondary Grenade Slot
1,500 kills total: Projectile Color, Golden Bullets
3,000 kills total: Projectile Color, Regal Purple Bullets
4,000 kills total: Re-spawn Penalty Modifier 1/2 Reduction
# Skills
The following are the skills of each character:
Demolisher: Berserk, Spray Can
Grunt: Self Heal, Spray Can
Long Ranger: Intravision, Spray Can
Sky Jockey: Spray Can
Sneeker: Cloak, Feign Death, Spray Can, Disguise
Thermophile: Self Heal, Spray Can
# Autosave
Go through a tunnel that shows the loading screen to autosave your game.
# Faster cloak with Sneaker
While playing as the Sneaker, equip your cloaking ability in a multi-player match. While holding your saber, jump down from a high area (for example, the beginning of the Beach Dead map). About half a second before you hit the ground, press X to activate your cloaking ability. If done correctly, your character should hit the ground fully cloaked, and you will not have to wait to activate it on the arm panel and flash. This is particularly useful for jumping into battlefields to surprise the enemy.
# Spin technique with Sneaker
While playing as the Sneaker and in defensive mode, in order to stop being dizzy press X to cloak or feign death immediately after attacking.
# Wall jump with Sneaker
While playing as the Sneaker, go up to any wall with the sword or dagger then press Jump(2).
# Moaning Sneeker
While playing on the SHC side online, be a class that can heal other players on your team (for example, a Grunt or Thermophile). When the female Sneeker squirrel has been hurt, heal her. Unlike every other class and team in the game, she will start moaning as you heal her while your character talks dirty to her.
# No enemies
When starting a match online and the host begins, a ten second counter will start. If everyone moves to the host's team before it reaches zero, then you will play in a match with no enemies. This allows you to explore or do anything else desired.
# Disappearing tank
Get in the tank and click the Right Analog-stick. Then, hold L + R and click the Right Analog-stick again and you will be able to shoot without the tank. However, you cannot move unless you click Right Analog-stick twice.
# Shotgun light
Once you get the shotgun when you open the level by the barrel to the zombies, you can have a light on your back. When you shoot, silver bullets will appear. To do this, equip the shotgun and do a circle looking in front of you. Shoot, then press B immediately. Keep doing a circle with the Left Analog-stick. This may require a few attempts.
# First person jumper
While playing the game in Story mode, you can jump and hover while in first person mode (hold L). You are not supposed to be able to move Conker at all when in first person mode.
# Swim without water in Barn Boys level
In the Barn Boys level, go to the side of the barn where it slightly starts to curve downwards. Then, go to the brick pillars. Stand against it, then walk forward slightly (make Conker tip toe). You should hear a splash. The camera will glitch and show a view of the big bucket on top of the barn. If you move forward, Conker will either jump or fall from the sky.
# Reach Kriplespac in Beach Dead level
In the Beach Dead level, become a Sneeker and go to the Outside Base spawn point. Double jump against the wall onto the tiny ledge. You must now run against the slope on the left side of the ledge and jump into the gap under the rocks. Once you have done this, there will be a path through the rocks straight to the second balcony. Jump up onto the cannon, run across, and jump down onto the ledge with Kriplespac. Be careful, because there is a second fan above the cannon and you must jump directly under it to avoid the invisible wall protecting Kriplespac. Alternately, you can reach Kriplespac by jumping across the rocks behind the Tediz's spawn point as a Sneeker. You must jump repeatedly against the rocks while letting yourself slide down against the invisible wall until you are able to pass under it. Do not go too low or you will have nothing to jump from and will just fall. Then, just keep jumping up onto the platform with Ze Professor.
# Leave level boundary in Beach Dead level
While playing as a Sneaker on the Tediz team, go behind where you start. Go straight, then jump off the edge. You should land on rocks. Next, go down a short distance so you can go through an invisible barrier. Keep jumping until you reach the weasel. From there, double jump backwards where you came from until you reach the top of the door.
# Run on water in Castle Von Tedistein
Play as a Sneaker and jump up the rocks beside the first SHC power pad (at the opposite side of the SHC spawn point). Once you are as high as you can go, you should be on a flat surface with three dominating large round rocks (the middle being the biggest). Move yourself up against the middle rock (do not try to jump or you will slip back down) and run up beside it to the right until you can jump on top of the rock you are pushing against. Then, jump off the side behind the level. You can now run around on top of the water at the bottom of the level.
# Leave level boundary in Fortress Deaux
Play as a Sky Jockey and get into your plane. Go to the other base and you should see a broken building. Boost into it from above; be careful not to hit a wall at top speed. After you are in there, land and get out. All the way to the left is a hole through the level. Jump through it and use your parachute.
# Get stuck in Opposite Railside level
Go to the part with the cave in. Go to the dirt mound and double jump to a small corner. From there, slowly walk to the hole, then run to get stuck. Next, jump until you make it through the crack. From there, an invisible wall will form, preventing you to go back the way you came until you die.
# Banjo-Kazooie reference
On the screen that has the Xbox Live and Co-Op options, switch to the options part. Look above the fireplace to see Banjo's head above two crossed muskets.
# Grabbed By The Ghoulies reference
At the beginning of the game, select Game 3. The doors in the background should open to reveal Cooper, the main character in Rare's first Xbox title Grabbed By The Ghoulies, huddled over a toilet.
# Jet Force Gemini reference
In the Haunted House level, the fireplace in the dining room is also in a room under the castle in the Water Ruins level of Jet Force Gemini.
# Killer Instinct reference
While playing the game in Story mode, allow the game to idle. Conker will take out a handheld Xbox and start playing Killer Instinct.
# Tech Deck reference
In the Mugged level when you are attacking the cavemen on lava boards, they look like Tech Deck characters. The first one is Spike, the second is Dr. Digit, and the third is Lenny.
# War movie and game references
There are some multi-player maps that have names that are similar to war movies or video games:
A Bridge Too Narrow: A Bridge Too Far
Beach Dead: Beach Red or Beachhead
Castle Von Tedistien: Return to Castle Wolfenstein
# The Assault level (demo version)
When you get off the boat, it is very tempting to race ahead and get past the gun turrets. However, you can hide behind the tripods and wait for them to reload. Then, make your way to the next one. You may be able to skip but it is not recommended. Then, just kill the Tediz's for the rest of the level. At the end you will find your commanding officer in an electric chair. When you get there, you can pull two different levers. One lets him go, and the other kills him.