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Chicken Little Xbox Cheats Code

Chicken Little Xbox Game# Cheat mode
At the main menu, select the "Extras" option, then choose the "Cheat Codes" option. There are four boxes with pictures in them. Line up the pictures in the correct order by scrolling through them, then choose "Enter Code" to activate the code.
Enter Baseball, Baseball, Baseball, Shirt as a code.
Big hair
Enter Baseball, Bat, Bat, Baseball as a code.

Big head
Enter Hat, Helmet, Helmet, Hat as a code.
Big feet
Enter Hat, Glove, Glove, Hat as a code.

Enter Glove, Glove, Helmet, Helmet as a code.
Paper pants

Enter Bat, Bat, Hat, Hat as a code.

Enter Hat, Hat, Shirt, Shirt as a code.