Successfully complete one of the following tasks to get a trophy:
First Deer (Bronze): Downed your first buck in Career Mode.
Player Hater (Bronze): Used 4 Perks on the same opponent in an Online Match.
Scout (Bronze): Found your first animal track.
Under Cover (Bronze): Downed at least 3 Big Game Trophies from a blind or stand in Career Mode.
Long Shot (Bronze): Downed a Big Game Trophy from more than 80 yards.
Custom Firearm (Bronze): Downed your first animal with a custom modified firearm.
Bow Kill (Bronze): Downed your first animal with a bow.
Rare Trophy (Bronze): Downed at least one Albino Trophy in Big Trophy Tournament.
One Shot, One Kill (Bronze): Downed 5 Big Game Trophies with a single shot.
Objective Oriented (Silver): Completed 3 collected objectives in Online Matches.
Marksman (Silver): Finished an Online Match with at least 70% Accuracy.
Shooting Galleries Expert (Silver): Obtained Gold medals for all Courses in the Shooting Galleries.
Trophy Hunter (Silver): Downed all level 5 Big Trophies in Big Trophy Tournament.
Film Expert (Silver): Filmed at least 2 hunts worth more than 100 points.
Gunsmith (Silver): Explored gun customization options within the Gun Locker.
Pro Tracker (Silver): Found 10 animal tracks.
Exterminator (Silver): Obtained Gold medals in all Praire Dog Courses.
Master Caller (Silver): Made at least 3 Awesome Duck calls.
Accomplished Hunter (Gold): Finished the Career on Pro Hunter difficulty setting.
The Good Hunter (Gold): Finished the Career on Sportsman difficulty setting.
Perk Expert (Gold): Used at least 8 different Perks against opponents in an Online Match.
Gun Expert (Gold): All your rifles and shotguns in the Gun Locker are made from unlocked parts.
Gun Collector (Gold): Unlocked all custom gun parts in the game.
Rifleman (Gold): Downed 10 Big Game Trophies with a Custom Rifle.
Shotgun Expert (Gold): Downed 50 animals using a Custom Shotgun.
Master of the Hunt (Platinum): Unlocked all trophies.