At the "Press Start" screen, press X, Y, X, Y, X(2), Y(2), click Left Analog-stick, Right Analog-stick. The "Bruce's Challenges" option will now be unlocked at the main menu.
# Invincibility
While playing the game, press A, B(2), X, R, Black, click Right Analog-stick.
# 9 lives
While playing the game, press White, click Right Analog-stick, Left Analog-stick, press Back, L, R, click Left Analog-stick.
# 999 Coins
While playing the game, press X, B, Black(2), A, click Right Analog-stick, Left Analog-stick, press White.
# 999 Tokens
While playing the game, press Y, B, A, X, Y, L, click Right Analog-stick, press Back.
# Infinite dragon token power
Collect 999 dragon tokens. -From:
# Ending bonuses
Successfully complete the game to unlock Bruce's challenges and hard mode.
# Continue game
You can continue to play the game repeatedly and keep your level ups (1000% hit).