Successfully complete one of the following tasks to get a trophy:
Assignment 1 (Bronze): Obtained after clearing the 1st assignment.
Assignment 2 (Bronze): Obtained after clearing the 2nd assignment.
Assignment 3 (Bronze): Obtained after clearing the 3rd assignment.
Assignment 4 (Bronze): Obtained after clearing the 4th assignment.
Assignment 5 (Bronze): Obtained after clearing the 5th assignment.
Assignment 6 (Bronze): Obtained after clearing the 6th assignment.
Assignment 7 (Bronze): Obtained after clearing the 7th assignment.
Assignment 8 (Bronze): Obtained after clearing the 8th assignment.
Assignment 9 (Bronze): Obtained after clearing the 9th assignment.
Assignment 10 (Bronze): Obtained after clearing the 10th assignment.
Assignment 11 (Bronze): Obtained after clearing the 11th assignment.
Assignments Cleared! (Bronze): Obtained after clearing the last assignment.
True Ending (Bronze): Obtained by seeing the True Ending Image.
Good Ending (Bronze): Obtained by seeing the Good Ending image.
Normal Ending (Bronze): Obtained by seeing the Normal Ending image.
Bad Ending (Bronze): Obtained by seeing the Bad Ending.
Game Over (Bronze): Obtained by earning a Game Over.
Adventurer Lv. 50 (Bronze): Obtained by reaching Adventurer Level 50.
Alchemy Lv. 50 (Bronze): Obtained by reaching Alchemy Level 50.
The Cabbage Girl (Bronze): Obtained by winning the Cabbage Festival contest.
Dragonbane (Bronze): Obtained by defeating one of the dragons.
Demon Hunter (Bronze): Obtained by defeating a demon at Night's Domain.
Destroyer (Bronze): Obtained by defeating Iron Giant at Orthogalaxen.
Monster Complete (Silver): Obtained by collecting all Monster Info.
Item Complete (Silver): Obtained by collecting all Item Info.
Hom Lv. 50 (Silver): Obtained by reaching Hom Level 50.
Trust 100 (Silver): Obtained by reaching Trust Level 100.
NPC Friendship 100 (Silver): Obtained by reaching Friendship Level 100 with everyone.
Martial Master (Silver): Obtained by winning the Martial Contest.
Complete (Platinum): Obtained after getting all other trophies.
Additionally, there are 23 secret trophies:
Secret trophy (Bronze): Unknown.
Secret trophy (Bronze): Unknown.
Secret trophy (Bronze): Unknown.
Secret trophy (Bronze): Unknown.
Secret trophy (Bronze): Unknown.
Secret trophy (Bronze): Unknown.
Secret trophy (Bronze): Unknown.
Secret trophy (Bronze): Unknown.
Secret trophy (Bronze): Unknown.
Secret trophy (Bronze): Unknown.
Secret trophy (Bronze): Unknown.
Secret trophy (Bronze): Unknown.
Secret trophy (Bronze): Unknown.
Secret trophy (Bronze): Unknown.
Secret trophy (Bronze): Unknown.
Secret trophy (Bronze): Unknown.
Secret trophy (Bronze): Unknown.
Secret trophy (Bronze): Unknown.
Secret trophy (Bronze): Unknown.
Secret trophy (Bronze): Unknown.
Secret trophy (Silver): Unknown.
Secret trophy (Silver): Unknown.
Secret trophy (Gold): Unknown.