# Cheat mode
Select "Options" at the main menu, then choose the "Cheats" selection. Enter "GimmeGimme" as a case-sensitive code to unlock all courses, costumes, gear, and snowboards. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. Press B to exit out of the cheat menu.
# Play as Raven
Select "Options" at the main menu, then choose the "Cheats" selection. Enter "RidinwRaven" as a case-sensitive code to unlock Raven, the girl from the original Xbox tech demos and a Xbox snowboard. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. Press B to exit out of the cheat menu.
# Play as Steezy
Select "Options" at the main menu, then choose the "Cheats" selection. Enter "ChillinwSteezy" as a case-sensitive code. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. Press B to exit out of the cheat menu.
# Super statistics
Select "Options" at the main menu, then choose the "Cheats" selection. Enter "BigsteeZ" as a case-sensitive code to have higher jumps. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. Press B to exit out of the cheat menu.
# Perfect jumps
Select "Options" at the main menu, then choose the "Cheats" selection. Enter "StickiT" as a case-sensitive code. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. Press B to exit out of the cheat menu.
# Super jumps
Select "Options" at the main menu, then choose the "Cheats" selection. Enter "MegaLeg" as a case-sensitive code to have higher jumps. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. Press B to exit out of the cheat menu.
# Super spins
Select "Options" at the main menu, then choose the "Cheats" selection. Enter "WhirlyGig" as a case-sensitive code. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. Press B to exit out of the cheat menu.
# Free movement
Select "Options" at the main menu, then choose the "Cheats" selection. Enter "ZiPster" as a case-sensitive code. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. Press B to exit out of the cheat menu. You can move anywhere quickly, even going uphill.
# Bouncy terrain
Select "Options" at the main menu, then choose the "Cheats" selection. Enter "MegabOUnce" as a case-sensitive code to have higher jumps. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. Press B to exit out of the cheat menu.
# Harder to do flips and spins
Select "Options" at the main menu, then choose the "Cheats" selection. Enter "KeepnReal" as a case-sensitive code to have higher jumps. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. Press B to exit out of the cheat menu.
# Disable tree collisions
Select "Options" at the main menu, then choose the "Cheats" selection. Enter "buzzsaW" as a case-sensitive code. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. Press B to exit out of the cheat menu.
# View programmer replays
Enter the "Replay Theater" and highlight "Hard Disk". Press Right until "Game Disc" appears to find replays generated by the programmers. To play one of those levels, select a replay then highlight "Watch Replay". Press Right until you see "Challenge" appears, then select it.
# Extra points
Tweaked grabs will give you more points. If you press the same trigger a lot of times while doing a grab trick, you will earn a lot of points. It is easiest to use the StaleFish and press R.
# Rail control
Use the L and R to avoid falling off rails. Your rail stats will depend on how hard it is to control. This will give you very easy points.