Hacking higher levels without losing the extra experience points
Note: This trick works only if you have enough experience points to invest. Save the game before you get ready to start hacking. Then, pour what you can into the skills for your hacking feat. Then, start hacking and get the password and write it down. Then, reload and type the password into the computer.
Cheat Codes
Find the game's executable file shortcut. Right click the file and go to "Properties". Then in the "Shortcut" tab, type -console 1 (with the space) at the very end of the "Target" text box. Make sure this is typed outside the quotes. When you do this, the console command will appear when you use that shortcut to start the game. It will also show up each time when the game starts up to the menu screen. Then while playing the game, press ~ and type one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. Press [Enter] or click "Submit" to activate the code. Note: Commands entered at the console will auto-complete while you type them -- just type any letter, and you can scroll up and down with the cursor keys to view the various available console commands. Click the "X" in the corner or press ~ to exit the command window.
ResultCheat Code
God modegod
Infinite ammo for all weapons except
flamethrowerdebug_infinite_ammo 2
Invisible to everyonenotarget
No clipping modenoclip
Get experience pointsgiftxp [number]
Most items and weaponsimpulse 101
List console commandscmdlist
List items that can be spawnedvitems
List all console commandsvhelp
Sell off dots in any attribute for experience
points [Note]vstats sell
Use up any xp pooled from the "vstats sell"
codevstats buy
Increase some female breast size by
indicated amountmoney [number]
Spawn indicated itemgive [item]
Spawn weapon; cursor up or down to scroll
console listgive item_w_
Spawn vampire artifact or book; cursor up
or down to scroll console listgive item_p_
Spawn item; cursor up or down to scroll
console listgive item_g_
Spawn money item; cursor up or down to
scroll console listgive item_m_
Spawn clothing; cursor up or down to scroll
console listgive item_a_
Set player character's blood pool to
approximately 75% fullblood
Set player character's blood pool to
indicated amountblood [number]
Set indicated attribute to indicated valuevstats get [stat] [0-5]
Add indicated value to all soak rollsvstats get automatic_soak_successes [1-10]
Add indicated value to unarmed and melee
combat feat rollsvstats get automatic_str_successes [1-10]
Can give character a history during
creationvchar_edit_histories 1
Skip sequence when sire is executedvskip_intro
Exit to the desktopquit