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Half-Life Cheats

Half-Life Sniper Mode with any weapon
If you have a crossbow, you can get sniper mode on any weapon, and here's how: Simply quick-save your game, go to the crossbow and zoom in, and then quick-load. When the game pops up again, you will be zoomed in on the weapon you had when you saved, and can cycle through the others as normal. To zoom out, just go back to the crossbow and press 2nd attack.

Enable the console by typing "-dev" or "-console" (without qoutes) as mentioned in one of the above codes.

Start up the game, and enter a new game, or load a saved one. Now hit the ~ key to bring up the console. Type the following, where * is the key of your choice. (Keep in mind, you must bind all three commands to different keys.
  • bind * "fov 20"
  • bind * "fov 50"
  • bind * "fov 90"
The first will bring you in to a very close zoom. Second is mid-range, and third is the command to bring you back to the normal view. It works with any weapon, though it will not change the mode of fire or increase/decrease accuracy.

Half-Life Command line parameters
To enter these codes you must edit the Half-Life icon on your START menu.
Right-click on the START icon on the Windows task bar.
Click on OPEN.
Find the Half-Life icon and right-click on it.
Add the desired parameter to the end of the field that says TARGET or CMD_LINE. For example, to enable developer's mode you would change the line to read: "C:\Sierra\Half-Life\hl.exe -dev"
Without further ado, we bring you the codes:
Enables the console. To access it, press tilde (~) while playing. See "Console Codes" for information on using the console.
Developer's mode. Enables the console and displays debugging information while playing. Useful if you're having technical difficulties and want to find out why.
-heapsize x
Tells Half-Life how much RAM (memory) it can use. For example, if you want it to use 32Mb of RAM then enter the parameter "-heapsize 32768". CAUTION! Do not request more memory than your computer has.
Skip the introduction movies.
Removes the D.U.N. box for playing on LAN's (local area networks.) Remove this command whenever playing on the internet. If you don't you won't be able to play on-line.
Use this if you receive an IPX error when playing on a LAN.
Replace's the Half-Life server browser's "green dot" latecy info with real numbers. Only available in v1.0.0.8 or later.
Start Half-Life in window instead of fullscreen.
Disables Direct Sound and plays SFX in wav files. Try this if your sound card stutters or you don't have DirectSound drivers.
Half-Life Console Codes
Load the game using the "-DEV ¿TOCONSOLE" command line parameters. Your command line should look like this:

(If the text does not disappear, then press the tilde key [~].)

During the game, press the tilde key [~] and type "sv_cheats" at the console window to activate cheat mode. (The underscore "_" denotes a space.)You must either die or reload your game before you this code takes effect
(Note: To use cheats on a saved game, enable Cheat mode and load the saved game.)

Half-Life Third person perspective
Enable Cheat mode. Then press ~ (tilde) and enter "/thirdperson" at the console window.
Half-Life Disable clipping and flight modes
Enable Cheat mode. Then press ~ (tilde) and enter "/noclip" at the console window.
Half-Life Select level
Enable Cheat mode. Then press ~ (tilde) and enter "/map name" at the console window, where name is one of the map names below.

Single-player maps:
Generally, single player maps have the following form:

A few valid map 1P map names are, "c1a2b", "c5a1" and "c2a5x".

Multi-player (Deathmatch) Maps:
  • Boot camp
  • Bounce
  • Datacore
  • Lambda bunker
  • Shark pit
  • Stalkyard
  • Subtransit
  • Undertow
Hazard courses:
  • t0a0
  • t0a0a
  • t0a0b
  • t0a0b1
  • t0a0b2
  • t0a0c
  • t0a0d
Half-Life Opponents ignore you
Enable Cheat mode. Then press ~ (tilde) and enter "/notarget" at the console window.
Half-Life Adjust gravity
Enable Cheat mode. Then press ~ (tilde) and enter "sv_gravity <1¿800>" at the console window. (The underscore "_" denotes a space.)
(Note: The default is "sv gravity 800".)

Half-Life Create item
Enable Cheat mode. Then press ~ (tilde) and enter "give item" at the console window, where item is the object you wish to create. Example:
Give item_airtank

Object list
  • Ammo_357
  • Ammo_9mmAR
  • Ammo_9mmbox
  • Ammo_9mmclip
  • Ammo_Argrenades
  • Ammo_Buckshot
  • Ammo_Crossbow
  • Ammo_Egonclip
  • Ammo_Gaussclip
  • Ammo_Glockclip
  • Ammo_MP5clip
  • Ammo_MP5grenades
  • Ammo_RPGclip
  • Items
  • Item_airtank
  • Item_antidote
  • Item_battery
  • Item_healthkit
  • Item_longjump
  • Item_security
  • Item_sodacan
  • Item_suit
  • Weapons
  • Weapon_357
  • Weapon_9mmAR
  • Weapon_9mmHandgun
  • Weapon_Crossbow
  • Weapon_Crowbar
  • Weapon_Egon
  • Weapon_Gauss
  • Weapon_Glock
  • Weapon_Handgrenade
  • Weapon_Hornetgun
  • Weapon_MP5
  • Weapon_Python
  • Weapon_QuantumDestabilizer
  • Weapon_RPG
  • Weapon_Satchel
  • Weapon_Shark
  • Weapon_Shotgun
  • Weapon_Tripmine

Half-Life God mode
Enable Cheat mode. Then press ~ (tilde) and enter "/god" at the console window.
Half-Life All weapons and ammo
Enable Cheat mode. Then press ~ (tilde) and enter "/impulse 101" at the console window.
Half-Life Quick Weapon Reload
First of all, this only works for weapons with slow reload times, like the magnum and the tranquilizer crossbow. Upon running out of ammo in your clip, you will begin to reolad your weapon. If you want to fire faster, simply changes your weapon while in the reloading animation, and then switch back to the weapon you want to use, and realoading will be complete.
NOTE: This trick does not work with Half-Life or higher.

Half-Life Cheat: Better Third Person
Here’s how to get a real active following chase-cam style third person view and not the annoying side view. NOTE: All commands are to be typed WITHOUT the quotes.

Get into the console. Make sure cheats are on (command: "sv_cheats 1"). Next, put it in third person (command: "thirdperson") Now change the camera angle to behind the player instead of to his right side. To do this, you have to change the camera's yaw angle number. (command: "cam_idealyaw 1") Now you have an active chasecam third person.

There are more camera commands that you can play around with for whatever reason. -"chase_active 1" changes the view to a more passive style ("chase_active 0" to turn off) -"cam_idealpitch 90" changes standard camera pitch angle. The command "cam_idealdist 64" changes the standard camera distance. To return to your normal first person shooter, simply use the command "firstperson”.