Geneforge 5: Overthrow Cheats, Geneforge 5: Overthrow Cheat Codes, Geneforge 5: Overthrow Hints, Geneforge 5: Overthrow Secrets, Platform: PC, Geneforge 5: Overthrow Cheat: Cheat List
Bring up the cheat console with Shift-D to open the cheat dialogue and enter a code below for the desired effect:
- shieldsup - Bless party
- pleaselikeme - Erase criminal record
- giveasnack - Cake
- iampoor - Money
- iamweak - XP
- healmenow - Heal party
- whereami - List character's current zone and coordinates
- showmeall - Mark characters on your minimap
- dontshowmeall - Deactivates minimap marks
- clearthisarea - Mark current area as completed
- iloverebels - Good terms with the Rebels
- ihaterebels - Good terms with the Shapers
- rechargeme - Refill energy and essence
- resetbugs - Reset Shredbugs
- exitzone - World map