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Freedom Force vs. the 3rd Reich

Freedom Force vs. the 3rd Reich Cheats List
Edit the file in the game directory. Add the line ff.CON_ENABLE=1 and save it as a .py (python) file.

Start the game and go to the FFHQ's "Database" screen. Press TILDE to drop a dev console to enter cheats.
Campaign_AddCP ('hero's name', XXXX) - Adds an amount of character points to the hero in question, where XXXX is the value sum. Note: the hero name should be one word and in lower case. Heroes with two words in their name, like Liberty Lad should be entered as liberty_lad. Minute Man would be minute_man, etc.

Campaign_Recruit ('hero's name') - Adds specific hero to roster.
campaign_AddPrestige (XXXX) - Adds XXX prestige.
Campaign_UnlockOrigin ('hero's name') - Adds listed hero's secret origin movie (the original ones are from the first game).
While in a mission, the following codes work:
DEBUG_ALLPOWERS=1 - unlocks all special powers and skills. This effect only lasts for the current mission.
Mission_Win() - instantly clears the current mission.
god() - All heroes are invulnerable. Time to kick ass!
mortal() - Undoes above code.
peace() - All enemies are passive (no target mode).
war() - All enemies are set to AI routine (no target off).

Freedom Force vs. the 3rd Reich