Press ENTER and then type !om+smartbomb!
Fate of the Dragon Cheat: Cheat List
Press Enter to bring down the cheat console.
- Show frame rate: !om+fps!
- Heroes and generals selected will have and 10,000 resources: !om+godblessovermax!
- Kill all units: !om+smartbomb!
- Reveal Map: !om+icanseeagain!
- Win mission: !obj+outofmyway!
- Faster units and building: !om+Gonzales!
- 100,000 of all resources: !om+godblessgreed!
- 10,000 Wine: !obj+booze!
- 5,000 Resources: !obj+greed!
- 1,000 Gold: !obj+moolah!
- 10,000 Timber: !obj+splinter!
- 10,000 Iron: !obj+ingboard!
- 10,000 Corn: !obj+chips!
- 10,000 Food: !obj+piggy!
- God mode to selected units: !om+superman!
- Unlimited Health: !obj+neverdie!
Fate of the Dragon