To insert the cheats (listed on the left), press enter during gameplay. This will bring up a console that you can then type the cheats into for the desired result.
- cheat - Enable ability to cheat
- convert - Convert unit selected
- era up - Go to next epoch
- give tech - Plus 50 points to Tech
- idontcheat - Disable any active cheat
- loot - Gain an additional 10,000 gold
- max pop - Change the capacity of population
- play god - Units and structures can't be destroyed
- punish - Unit selected loses twenty HP
- recharge me - Unit selected regains all power
- super cheat - Turn off Fog of War, gain lots of gold, building and population bonuses
- taxes - Minus 100 to resources
- toggle fog - Turn Fog of War on or off
- win - Automatically win any scenario