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Mass Effect 2

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Mass Effect 2 Box Art

Mass Effect 2 opens with a bang. That's about all I'll tell you regarding the plot. After playing the first hour and a half of the game, I can safely say that this is one experience you want to go into fresh -- the less you know about the plot the better it will be. Instead, this hands-on preview will focus on how much the game has been improved for the sequel. And boy has it ever been improved. Just about everything was sent back to the drawing board to look for ways it could be made better.

Once again stepping into the role of the heroic Commander Shepard, gamers command their crew on a suicide mission in space. Players must assemble their squad from amongst the galaxy's most powerful mystics, geniuses, and convicts and lead them on a suicide mission to discover why humans are vanishing from the galaxy. The success of the mission hinges on the squad recruited and their loyalty to the mission. Shepard's future depends on it.

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