Is it really good to be King? Majesty is a unique Sim putting you in the crushed velvet hot seat of your own kingdom. With an epic quest before you, you make the decisions of where to build your settlement's guilds and temples. From these you recruit a varied cast of larger-than-life heroes. Each one has a mind of his/her own and must be enticed to meet your goals, via rewards you offer and spells you cast. Meanwhile you must make sure that your treasury stays flush with cash to support these and other outlays necessary to maintain a thriving medieval town. The fact that you are being barraged by attacks from mythical beasts and fantastic creatures doesn't make your job any easier.
This is why this game is perfect for me: It is a strategy game but divided up into discrete packages. Each quest is separate and you are measured not just in whether or not you can accomplish the quest, but in beating your prior time, as well as anyone else playing the game (it saves for multiple names/questors). Each quest is different and needs a totally different game plan to win. Plus, in each quest, there is always some luck involved, too, and things you have no control over. Unlike a big war sims game, Majesty is a very fine combination of puzzle and war. For example, your quest can be to find and rescue slaves held in three slave pits. The luck is that you have no idea just where in the Majesty world to look first, and the locations change every time you play. The strategy comes in because there are many types of heros to recruit, there are many types of incentives to use, there are many types of enemies you'll face, and finding the right combination of heros for the enemies who show up is important. (And for me, sometimes takes many many tries!) You have limited gold, so should you build an armorer first, and to what level should you take the armorer? Or should you build marketplaces or fairgrounds or a library or add to the castle or guardposts or magician towers. What skill set will help you most? Berserkers, magic, stalwartness, sneakiness, thievery, healing powers, ability to raise the dead, high defense, low morals, poison, etc etc. It is an absolutley wonderful game for a middleaged woman without the reflexes for straight shoot-em-ups but a love of figuring out what's the best strategy.
I eagerly await Magesty II, coming out next month. I hope they kept the best about the original, because it's a fantastic game for what I would call the thinking and older gamer. It is, for example, a game where I can still beat my 15 year old.
1.Click on the "RegSetup"Reg File and add to System Registry
2.Click on the "MajX"App to play