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Dora's Mermaid Adventure/flash game

Free downloadable games, free pc games downloading, free games
Become an environmentalist and help Dora clean up the beach and the ocean to save the Mermaid Kingdom. Play this great game from Nick Jr.
Your child can save the ocean creatures she loves in Mermaid Kingdom by vacuuming the trash off of them, freeing them to move around. Sucking up plastic rings, tires and wrappers cleans up the beach and the water and your little environmentalist can visually see the difference that cleaning up the trash makes. Not only does the trash get sucked into the vacuum, but Dora turns into a mermaid and gets to returns the magic crown to Mariana the Mermaid

System requirements:
OS: Windows
Processor: 700 MHz
Memory: 64 MB; Video Ram: 32 MB
Hard Drive Space: 32 MB
