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Ghostbusters: Sanctum of Slime

Ghostbusters: Sanctum of Slime Free PC Games DownloadThe game opens in the year 2010 B.C. in what would become New York City. A large group of people are attending the funeral of a god named Dumazu the Destroyer. It is said that upon his death an Artifact of unimaginable power known as the relic of Nilhe was broken up and it's believed that if it were to be reunited, it would revive the god. We fast forward to 1954 one piece of the artifact has been found by a group of City Maintenance workers who turn it over to the local museum. In 2011, Ismael Mcenthol is admitted to the Parkview mental hospital for suffering Bizarre delusions and horrifying hallucinations of Dumazu.
More importantly, he is the last remaining member of the cult of Dumazu. A new patient is admitted, the Semiantogonist of the second movie Jonosz Poha, an encounter with Ismael caused him to go insane and steal the artifact shard. Jonosz is then admitted to the hospital in order to give Ismael the Shard, sadly Ismael having no use for Jonosz abandons him in the hospital.
A few Weeks later, an uncontrolled spike in paranormal activity is on the rise and if something isn't done soon they'll be overwhelmed. Since the Ghostbusters' age is starting to catch up with them, they put out an ad for a new team of Ghostbusters. After three weeks, they successfully assemble a new team using their increased revenue and send them on a training mission at The Sedgewick Hotel. The new team track the ghost of the hotel's former head chef, LeBlog. After capturing LeBlog the rest of the ghosts are chased out and according to Gabriel's and Egon's calculations, they head Northeast, directly to the Parkview Mental hospital.
