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Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth

Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth Free DS Games Download Free Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth games download, free download full version, The gameplay is very similar to the other Ace Attorney games, with investigation phases and rebuttal phases, which take the place of the previous cross-examination phases. In each of the five cases, the game alternates between these two phases until the case is resolved; the player generally has the option to save the game between each set of Investigation/Rebuttal phases, although, as in previous titles, the player may also save at almost any point in the game.
The player is given a meter, similar in function to a health bar, that tracks how close Edgeworth is to discovering the truth of what happened; making mistakes in the Logic, Deduction, or Rebuttal sections can lead to losing some fraction of that bar. Should all of the bar be lost, Edgeworth will have completely lost track of the truth, and the case will be considered over in a bad ending (such as the arrest of an innocent person); the player will then have to restart from their last save. After completing an Investigation phase, the player will be given some of the truth meter back.
[edit] Investigation

Investigation consists of collecting evidence from the crime scene, examining it and then examining the crime scene itself. Evidence and profiles are filed in the Organizer, and information on the crime scene is then examined by using "logic".

During the investigation players can either use the stylus on the touch screen or use the D-Pad for movement and controlling Edgeworth. When near an object, the player can check the object further; in certain cases, this may present the opportunity to "deduce" a contradiction between the object and collected evidence. Otherwise, checking objects can lead to additional evidence or pieces of "Logic". The player can also talk to a non-playable character when near one, finding more information about the scene, and asking specific questions that may lead to further inquiries, evidence, or logic pieces.

After Edgeworth becomes associated with Kay Faraday, the player will have access at times to the "Little Thief", a device capable of creating a hologram of the crime scene, allowing the player to explore the events of a crime as it happened in detail.

A core investigation element in Ace Attorney Investigations' gameplay is "Logic". This mode consists of examining and linking important factors or curious clues found in various crime scenes in order to answer any questions which appear during investigations. At any time during Investigation, the player can attempt to connect two pieces of logic to either form a new piece of evidence or a new piece of Logic. Making an incorrect connection will cost some of the player's truth meter. free download full version, Free DS games download full version.
