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Gene Troopers Cheats

Gene Troopers Cheats, Gene Troopers Cheat Codes, Gene Troopers Hints, Gene Troopers Secrets,Platform: PC, Gene Troopers Cheat: Cheat List
The following information is unverified, and because it involves some changes of your game files, you can attempt the following at your own risk.
First, to bring up the in-game cheats console, you need to add your target to the Gene Trooper shortcut. So, for example, C:\Program Files\Playlogic\Gene Troopers\GT.EXE –console, for instance.

Then, when playing the game, press the tilde (~) key to bring up the cheats console. Insert the cheats below for the desired results (keeping in mind, once again, that the following cheats come to us unverified).
  • give ammo - Give Ammunition
  • give dna - Give DNA Points
  • give health - Give Life
  • god - God Mode
  • maplist - Unlock All Levels
Gene Troopers Download