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Savage (Online)

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 If you're undaunted by the game's singular insistence on coordinated teamwork, and intrigued by its combination of shooter and real-time strategy elements, then Savage is worth checking out.

Technical information ه E
Publisher: iGames Publisher: iGames
Developer: S2 Games Developer: S2 Games
Genre: Fantasy First-Person Shooter Genre: Fantasy First-Person Shooter
Release Date: Sep 9, 2003 Release Date: Sep 9 2003
ESRB Descriptors: Blood, Violence ESRB Descriptors: Blood, Violence
Information on the game ه E
Connectivity: Online Connectivity: Online
Online Modes: Competitive, Cooperative, Team Oriented Online Modes: Competitive, Cooperative, Team Oriented
Number of Players: Massively Multiplayer Number of Players: Massively Multiplayer
Minimum required for the operation of the game ه E
System: 600MHz CPU or equivalent System: 600MHz CPU or equivalent
RAM: 128 MB RAM: 128 MB
Video Memory: 32 MB Video Memory: 32 MB
Recommended limit for the operation of Play ه E
System: 1000MHz CPU or equivalent System: 1000MHz CPU or equivalent
RAM: 256 MB RAM: 256 MB
Video Memory: 64 MB Video Memory: 64 MB

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