Explore a vast, enigmatic nebula and battle a mysterious adversary over the fate of humanity. The year is 2367. Thirty-two years have passed since the Great War. The only jump node to Sol collapsed long ago, isolating Earth from the Galactic Terran-Vasudan Alliance (GTVA), a new government uniting old enemies. As the Terrans and Vasudans struggle to rebuild their civilizations, civil war erupts in the Polaris system. A rogue Terran admiral declares war against the Vasudans, and his rebellion threatens the stability of the Alliance. Without warning, the Shivans return, and the GTVA launches a crusade to eliminate their Great War nemesis. Once again, the Alliance must crush the Shivan onslaught or else face annihilation. With over 70 ships of varying class and size, FreeSpace 2 will feature squadrons of bombers and fighters equipped with an array of advanced weaponry for players to use in frenzied dogfights or to engage in combat with massive ships and destroyers. An intuitive in-game messaging system allows players to command squad-mates and request reinforcements.
Hardware Requirements
Pentium II 200Mhz 32 Mb RAM 3D Graphics Accelerator (supports Glide or D3D) 250Mb Hard Drive Space 8X or faster CD-ROM Drive Direct Sound compliant sound card 100% Microsoft-compatible mouse (joystick recommended) Multiplayer: 8 player TCP/IP over LAN or Internet
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